
LEAF provides programs and services designed to educate, empower, and inspire Latino families. Our programs serve as a launching point for active, ongoing, year-round engagement in a supportive parent community, deepening understanding and connections with schools.

LEAF delivers workshops, conferences, and training for families, as well as academic coaching, and individual academic counseling for students.

LEAF offers its programs and services in different geographic areas of the country, including: Los Angeles, CA; Puerto Rico; and Maryland.


La Escuela, sus Hijos y Usted. This program is a six-week workshop in each school with an average of 7 parents attending each workshop. Through the six to nine-week, culture-sensitive workshops conducted in Spanish, parents learn how to navigate the educational system, and how to take an active role in their child’s education. Plus, parents learn ways to collaborate with the school, staff, and community to learn the educational opportunities available to them.
El Llavero. It is a 3-week workshop for parents and students. The early planning and identification of academically talented Latino students are crucial for future scholarly success. LEAF focuses its efforts on identifying bright and talented students as early as 2nd grade so they can start preparing for a direct path to post-secondary options. LEAF offers workshops to parents and schools to start the identification of talented students by working collaboratively with resources and programs. Through a three-four hour, culturally relevant workshop conducted in Spanish, parents, and students learn which keys open doors to their child’s academic success and how to prepare for their pre-collegiate road. Additionally, in this program students and parents learn which grade levels are critical to start the planning for a successful road towards high school graduation and university/college admission. The program focuses on the following topics: courses needed to graduate from high school, university admission tests, elementary, middle, and high school rights and responsibilities, standardized tests, financial aid, extra-curricular resources, financial aid application, and scholarships.
IMPULSO Program. It is a monthly series of 10 months workshops (two hours each) open to students in grades 11th – 12th. The program is offered in English and Spanish and with culturally relevant materials. It provides interactive lessons focused on the importance of high school completion, higher education, financial aid scholarships and college preparation. Students and parents are provided guidance material that supports a college-going culture.
  • Ready-to-use tools with participant handouts in English and Spanish
  • Content-rich learning, delivered in a parent-friendly format
  • Interactive lesson demonstration/modeling


Student Tutoring: LEAF launched its student volunteer-run tutoring program servicing 2nd to 12th grade students in 2021 to close the educational achievement gap left by COVID and virtual classes. We currently have six volunteers, advanced students with a solid and proven record of academic and integrity excellence, who assist in online tutoring 25 young scholars in the subjects of math, advanced algebra, geometry, and reading and writing. With this, students can benefit and advance in their academic curriculum. One-on-One Parent Support: LEAF provides assistance to parents with problem-solving, school selection, applications (schools, summer programs, FAFSA, university applications, etc.) and connections to other organizations depending on the parent’s needs.


LEAF is active and involved in the different communities it serves.  LEAF has been protecting the right to education for Latino Children. Our flexible approach to problem-solving and information get parents the support they need for their children to succeed, flourish, and become educated. Our collaboration and involvement encompass the following:
  1. Advice for families of students who are struggling, experiencing discrimination, bullying, or harassment in school. We help them protect their education-related rights and obtain the educational support their children need.
  2. Our training courses and workshops provide important information for parents, communities, and professionals, so they may advocate effectively on behalf of their children.
  3. Provide legal information and resources for parents if problems at school don’t get resolved.
The workshops will be offered in Spanish with culturally relevant materials for parents and in English for students. For more information, please contact: Dinorah Olmos, at

Please make checks payable to: Latino Education Advancement Fund, and mail them to 1122 Kenilworth Drive, Suite 201, Towson, MD 21204.

For more Information call 559-250-0256 or

“Latino Education Advancement Fund “(LEAF)” is a Maryland nonprofit corporation operating through a fiscal sponsorship with Players Philanthropy Fund (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178), a Maryland not-for-profit charitable trust with federal tax-exempt status from the IRS as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3). Contributions to LEAF are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.”