La Escuela, Sus Hijos Y Usted Workshop
Through the nine-week, culture-sensitive workshops conducted in Spanish, parents learn how to navigate the educational system, and how to take an active role in their child’s education. Plus, we’ll show them ways to collaborate with the school, staff, and community to learn the educational opportunities available to them.

Target Grades and Cohort
K- 5th grade: Understanding Report Cards, Importance of Extra-Curricular Activities, Education Policies, Education Laws, Rights and Responsibilities, IDEA.
6th – 8th grade: Importance of Extra-Curricular Activities, Summer Programs, Education Policies, Attendance, School Choice, Standardized Testing, University Admissions
9th – 12th grade: Understanding GPA, Dual Enrollment, Extra-Curricular Activities, Accelerated Programs, Standardized Testing, University Path, Scholarships, FAFSA
Description of Program
The purpose of the program is for Latino parents to learn how to become advocates within their children’s educational process. The series of nine workshops will be completely in Spanish.
Each session will be two-three hours and held once a week. Each series will be offered at a location suitable for class, and the nine weeks will include an introduction session, principal dialogue, and a graduation. Each workshop series can accommodate a maximum of 20 parents. Parents need to attend each one of the workshops to graduate. The offerings will be arranged in collaboration with school, the school administrator and/or community liaison.
The workshops will take place in a classroom or library, offering snacks and beverages, and possibly child-care for young children. Each session will be a combination of lecture and discussion to facilitate engagement and learning.
The topics of each workshop will include, but not be limited to, (a) Understanding School Grades, (b) Parents Rights and Responsibilities, (c) School Attendance, (d) Extracurricular Activities, (e) Standardized Tests, (f) Parent-Teacher conference, (g) Bullying, (h) and Special Education and its laws.
To evaluate the effectiveness and learning, parents will complete a pre/post self-efficacy assessment about their confidence to advocate for their children at their school. Each session will use a Likert-type scale feedback form to assess parents’ perception of the content and their anticipation of ways they will use the knowledge or skills covered.

Benefits Of The Program

Increase Parent Collaboration with School

Parents are Equipped with Tools and Knowledge

Parents Become the Best Advocates for their Children
ASome of the immediate benefits the workshops will provide to Latino parents are:

Lowering sociocultural barriers

Building trust within parent community

Building trust within parent community getting access to channels of information

Lowering parental stress

Empowering parents to be agents of change in their own lives, their children’s lives and in the larger school community.

Sponsor Organization Responsibilities
-Provide an Area for Workshops
– Provide Refreshments
-Offer Childcare for Parents with Young Children during the Sessions
LEAF offers its programs and services in different geographic areas of the country, including Los Angeles, CA; Puerto Rico; San Luis, AZ, and Maryland.

Please make checks payable to: Latino Education Advancement Fund, and mail them to 1122 Kenilworth Drive, Suite 201, Towson, MD 21204.
For more Information call 559-250-0256 or
“Latino Education Advancement Fund “(LEAF)” is a Maryland nonprofit corporation operating through a fiscal sponsorship with Players Philanthropy Fund (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178), a Maryland not-for-profit charitable trust with federal tax-exempt status from the IRS as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3). Contributions to LEAF are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.”