El Llavero Workshop
The early planning and identification of academically talented Latino students are crucial for future scholarly success. Therefore, LEAF focuses its efforts on identifying bright and talented students as early as 2nd grade, so they can start preparing for a direct path to post-secondary options. LEAF offers workshops to parents and schools to start the identification of talented students by working collaboratively with resources and programs.
Through a three-four hour, a culturally relevant workshop conducted in Spanish, parents, and students learn which keys open doors for their child’s academic success and how to prepare for their pre-collegiate road.
Description of Program
Additionally, we share which grade levels are critical to starting the planning for a successful road towards high school graduation and university/college admission. The workshop focuses on the following topics: courses needed to graduate from high school, university admission tests, elementary, middle and high school rights, and responsibilities, standardized tests, financial aid,extra-curricular resources, financial aid application, and scholarships.
For more information, please contact: Dinorah Olmos, at contact@leafedu.org

Please make checks payable to: Latino Education Advancement Fund, and mail them to 1122 Kenilworth Drive, Suite 201, Towson, MD 21204.
For more Information call 559-250-0256 or contact@leafedu.org
“Latino Education Advancement Fund “(LEAF)” is a Maryland nonprofit corporation operating through a fiscal sponsorship with Players Philanthropy Fund (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178), a Maryland not-for-profit charitable trust with federal tax-exempt status from the IRS as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3). Contributions to LEAF are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.”